30 January 2012

A Kidd's Kid

I have developed a new relationship in Macon.  And probably an unhealthy one.  Every morning on the way to work, I have made some new friends ... not real friends, but audio-friends.  But let's rewind ... way back to 2001.  

I was starting my senior year of high school, hauling my best friend Mandy, my younger brother Hammond and his friend Jevan to and from school everyday in my beat Ford Tempo.  And every Friday marked one less week that I had to attend what had become my personal prison - Andrew Jackson High School.  So every Friday morning, I discovered this radio show that did a TGIF kickoff with some crazy song (usually an 80s hit), and it became our Friday morning tradition.  Everyone in the car had to sing and dance to the song and then yell THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY as loud as possible with the radio personalities.  Such a weird and silly thing somehow just made that day so much better.  

Flash forward.  To the Kidd Kraddick radio show.  A radio show?  Yes, a radio show.  Every morning as I flip through my presets, it seems that more and more I am landing on 95.1 listening to Kidd, Kellie, Jenna, Big Al and JC shooting the morning breeze.  Maybe a guilty pleasure, but I can't help but enjoy the  random talk ... pop culture, politics but in a non-confrontational way, to keep up the "pay it forward line" or not ... I'm all there.  What can I say, they make me laugh!  And now it's starting to feel like a little morning friendship.  And that morning friendship seems to start my morning off on a lighter foot ... and sometimes makes me a few minutes late when I need to hear the "end" of the conversation.  

Oh well, we all have our guilty pleasures (or at least that's what I'm telling myself).  So make me feel better about myself ... What's yours??

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