"Your voice message sounds like you are really tired with the world and that people are bothering you, like you could do without the hassle, you could do without the phone maybe. Maybe you should try that, you should try not having a phone. I have friends that don't have cell phones and they're pretty happy with the way things turned out ..."
When I got the message at Thanksgiving, I couldn't "afford" to just ditch the phone usage. It was my only real method of communication at school, without a "house phone" and all. And there were study groups to tend to and parents wondering if I'd died and bosses wanting me to cover hours. But all thats done for a spell. I'm at home, school is on break, I don't work again until the 28th.
So I quit answering the call of the cell. I just leave it in my bed where it sleeps with me every night until I decide to dig it out from under the covers to check a message or two. Don't be offended when you don't get me. I'm really not answering anyone's calls these days unless fate has me placed directly beside the phone at the exact moment that it is ringing AND that I feel so unstressed and relaxed that I might leisurely decide to answer the phone. Otherwise leave a message if it's very important and sometime within the next ... oh ... 2 weeks you may hear back from me.
As a side note: Stephen Colbert is quite possibly one of the most hilarious people and he is from Charleston and if you haven't seen his show you should watch it. You can start here and watch the whole series of Colbert vs. The Decemberists. OOOOOOOORRRR you can watch this equally as hilarious "Better Know a District" interview clip.
merry christmas.
steven colbert is in 'strangers with candy'. he is funny.
ummm. i'm a pro at not answering my phone. i likes it like dat.
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