Anyway, he really did an awesome job picking out the perfect ring for Ellen and making things special for her. Which is good because if he wouldn't have I would have felt the need to beat him up. And I was the first to see the ring in person.
Email clip from Ellen:
We're Engaged!!! This past Saturday, December 29, 2006 in Chicago at Millennium Park in front of Buckingham Fountain, Matthew David Virtue asked me, Ellen Gunther Knight, to MARRY him!!! It was a total surprise and super romantic! Short version, he said that I had made this past year and half wonderful and that he had never been more happy. Then he got down on one knee and asked me to make him this happy for the rest of his life (if you want all the juicy details, just call I'll me more than happy to talk about it!) No solid plans on the wedding date, but don't worry, I'll keep you posted!
For those of you who haven't been lucky enough to meet Matt yet, he is a wonderful person. Very smart, extremely funny, he thinks I'm neat (and I don't think he's half bad either) and the person that I have been waiting for all these 27 years!! Heinz was right, the best comes to those who wait. I am marrying my best friend and the one person I can't get enough of!
It's my fault that I'm so behind. I kept meaning to update, then I put it off, then more stuff happened, then there was too much to write. So a Quick Recap.
1) Christmas: Got some cool things, you know, money, jewelry, books ... pajamas. haha. And we put up a Christmas tree because I insisted on it and I must say it really lightened the mood. Got to see my family and that was nice. Watched WAY too many movies ... i'll post about that later.
2) New Year's: Spent it in Conway with Erin and Brooke. It felt so good to be with friends who know me well.
Song of the weekend: Bringing Sexy Back or My Love by none other than Justin Timberlake ... every weekend needs a good trashy song as its theme.
3) Got invited to be in Charmaine's wedding in July which I am very very excited about. Although it was a little sad because we were supposed to spend our single lives together driving around in a champagne colored civic just like in the commercials...

I didn't get to see Millie or Adam sadly but good things come to those who wait, right? Otherwise I've been working at HABLA. Helping the Hispanic population one phone call at a time!
"...don't know how to act..."
hey. happy new year. congratulations. big ups. look out! and yes... we can arrange that signed copy of recordwonderfulness.
i've got something headed your way.
lindsay holler at the art garage again on the 26th.
Virtue? I wish I had a cool name like that to give away. Anyway. Tell Ellen congrats from the Buttsmeister. It's always good to see a Mamie smile. Char asked me to be in her wedding too, but how does that work???
Ah well.
Happy New Year.
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