
and funny costumes
(Thelma and Louise)

(Raggedy Anne)

(Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox)

(A Cat ... or a Leopard ... whatever feline she is, she's PINK!)

(German kiddos)

(A classic ghost)

(A devil and a dark angel ... and a construction worker in the back)

(Supermarket Sweep contestants)

(A Spelling Bee)

(iPod commercial ... that's me!!)

(A Mobster and her bad conscience)

(Pirates! AAAAARRGHH!!)

(Old people)

I must have spelled something wrong bc I'm getting stung

I don't know this kid but I couldn't pass up a picture with a pirate ... we look fierce!

and finally the awards ... I'm scariest ... imagine that

wow... what ...freakiness i have set before mine eyes. you are the essence of 'out there'. if zany could be put into a human cavity and given a voice, it'd look and sound like you.
t'was nice to see you, for real.
man. that is one scary iPod commercial. i've finally started listening to mine... snoop, being the amazing bro that he is, got me one for my b-day. i just haven't figured out "the best time to use it". Anyway. nice costume. I'll try to post some of my sweet robot get-up.
so, i'll be in columbia monday night. totally slipped my mind. new brookland tavern. i'll call ya.
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