15 February 2009

Loud and Long and Clear

I love to laugh. (hahahaha loud and long and clear ... sorry ... Mary Poppins) I really do. It improves any situation, unless it is an situation where it is inappropriate to laugh. Then it just makes things more awkward. Trust me, I know this from experience.

Anyway, I love to laugh. And Thomas loves to laugh too. This weekend I realized that we might laugh more than any 2 other people in the world. At all the right times and even more at the wrong times. It is wonderful.

There are lots of laughs.

1) The Straight-up laugh. Something's funny - you laugh.
2) The Burst laugh. A funny moment takes you off guard and it just sort of explodes in a pop.
3) The Church laugh. The preacher says that Pinocchio's dad died (no I swear that's what it sounded like!) and you are sitting on the back row beside the most pious old lady in the whole church, so you can't laugh. So you purse your lips, let the laugh settle in your shoulders, turn red, wipe tears and hope you don't accidently fart from holding the laugh in. This one happens to us WAY too often. You would think church has become a stand-up comedy show.
4) The You Know laugh. You know. Someone else in the room knows. All you need is solid eye contact and you have the perfect combination for laughter.
5) The Workout laugh. It is uncontrollable and you desperately want to stop laughing but you can't. And then your abs are sore the next day. A personal favorite.
6) The Scream laugh. This is more of torture in my opinion. You are totally relaxed, lying on the couch totally vegged out and someone thinks it would be funny to tickle you (or if you grew up in my home, you are trying to sleep in and your dad finds tickling and singing to be the most efficient wake up call). You have to laugh because you're being tickled, but you must also scream because it needs to stop.
7) The Nervous Laugh. Awkward situation just got more awkward.
8) The Premature Laugh. You crack yourself up and laugh before everyone else, right in the middle of the joke ... way before the punch line.
9) The Begrudged Laugh. You were mad 2 seconds ago, but then the person you were mad at said/did something funny and you are trying to maintain the thin-lipped face of anger, but the corners curl ... they twist in an attempt to keep the lips as straight and thin as possible. And then, begrudgingly, you laugh. A truce is made at the turn of the lips.

The point is I like to laugh. I'm glad that I have a laughing partner. All the more laughs to discover.

And so what if I have weights in my shower??


jimmy (dge.y.m.ie) said...

Don't forget the victory laugh... as in, "I just pranked your behind and now you've been pawned!!!"

I remember several of those from back in the day.

mr. jenkins said...

Mamie, I love you. Can I have your mailing address please? Send it here: gizmo_drumkat002@hotmail.com


Anonymous said...

oh, and you must've seen this, yes? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5OBNhkQZyk