I instinctively covered my ears when the fire alarm started buzzing. Then I remembered that I was now one of the teachers, aka adults, at the middle school and adults don't cover their ears. I luckily had no students and unluckily had no idea what to do. I peeked out my door just in time to see a short authoritative lady waving people out.
"Everybody outside! Move! Move! Get outside!"
I filed into line behind some giggling sixth graders and made my way out.
Standing in the bright, warm sun was a relief from the overly air conditioned school. Even though I was an adult in a sea of scraggily-lined students, I felt awkward standing alone. I was inspecting the grass stuck to my shoes when I noticed a girl standing about 5 feet in front of me, staring. I looked at her and smiled. She just kept staring.
"Hi." I smiled again and gave a little wave.
"Hey, what's your name?"
"My name's Mamie. What's your name?"
"Sarah," She stared at me a little more. "What's your last name?"
She laughed. I didn't really get the joke. "Is your boyfriend's last name Princess? Get it? Knight and Princess?"
I got it, but I didn't think it was all that funny, just quirky. I cocked my head to the side just said, "I don't think my boyfriend would like that very much, but I'll see what I can do about getting him to change it." Then I stared at her some. She just looked back. "What's your last name?"
"Oh," I was trying to think of something funny or witty to say about Smith like Is your boyfriend's last name Black? but then I decided I didn't think she would get it. Plus, teacher/adults don't really try to beat sixth graders in last name jokes.
"Do you know what my friends say about my last name?" I shook my head no in response. "They say that since my last name's so common that it's probably God's last name."
I laughed. That was about the funniest thing I'd ever heard. "Well, what do you think about that?"
She sort of shrugged. "I don't know. I guess it probably could be God's last name. There are a lot of Smiths out there."
"What about it in China. I don't think there are a lot of Smiths in China." I smirked, proud that I had thought of something half witty even though teacher/adults should be above that.
She just shrugged again and turned around. Her class was walking in and she waved as she trotted away to catch them.
'God Smith' I thought. 'Doesn't sound that bad.'
Lauren changed from a Smith to a Butts. She doesn't get to make fun of people's last names anymore.
Hey! Also, I thought about you when I read this Relevant article about "Transition." Here's the link: http://www.relevantmagazine.com/life_article.php?id=7606&print=true
Haha. Buttsmith. Can one of you write a short story about a boy with the last name Buttsmith?
Haha. Hahahahaha. Is that only funny to me?
I love that you are alive Mamie, Jimmy, Lauren...
I was going through some pictures and though of you guys. I send a Happy Birthday wish to you James.
Thanks for the birtday wishes. I'll work on the Buttsmith story, but really, it's not that funny...
seriously.... I mean. My name is not... (nevermind. dang it.)
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