25 February 2007

Just trying this out

I had to try out this music "embedding" business to see if I could figure it out. This is a little tune that I dig by Ryan Adams, brought to my attention by John Watkins.

Oh, yes. It is called Come Pick Me Up



jimmy (dge.y.m.ie) said...

One of my favorite Ryan Adams songs of all time. Heck. One of my favorite songs of all time! I also really really like his cover of Wonderwall on the Love is Hell album. Nice choice Mames!

Mr. Jenkins said...

this is a good song.

jimmy (dge.y.m.ie) said...

good seeing you. and laughing with you. i really really really want to come to columbia. do you go to a church down there?

Mr. Jenkins said...

i saw 'the science of sleep'. it is a good movie.